give me back my identidy,
my individuality,
there's no time or space for
both of me,
stop doing what i do....
don't you wanna get yourself
another image to reflect?
someone maybe not so old,
so pathetic and uncool.
see i lost my marbles in a game,
and now i don't have enough to bet,
give me back my point of view
'coz you never though that way.......
cosmos isn't far enough
to make such a messy duality,
we're gonna screw it up again.
we're not supposed to exist.
if the mirror breaks in a thousand parts,
then there'll be a thousand me's and
that's not how's supposed to be it's
real bad.....
so be careful of the way you
hold my heart,
so be careful i don't want it to
break up........
give me back my solitude i
didn't know i was alone
until you came up and told me.
take your smiles give me my tears i
think nothing'll ever cheer me up, 'coz i
i know you don't need me with you
i'll make you get left behind
world was
much better when i didn't know about you
and i didn't have to like you,
now all i do is look ways to satisfy your sickness.
i wasn't searching for anything
when i didn't know you existed,
now everywhere i go i want to find you.
i'm sorry but i need you to die.
when i'm near you it's when i know
how much i suck,
what kind of creep i am,
and that i'm stupid and how odd i look.
i wish i could melt you
instead of breaking you up,
i won't be happy knowing you're someplace else
reflecting another face.
but i can't stand you so burn,
die, melt in my hands,
and when you do that
crawl up my veins
to live in my heart 'til i die,
and turn hell into glass.......