lunes, 2 de abril de 2012



 What do you do?

 Do you usually listen to music while you work?

Which music genres do you listen to while working?

Which musical genres do you listen to when you want to relax?

 Do you change your Playlist according to your mood or your activities?

 Do you use a different Playlist according to the Project you’re working on?

 How would you say music helps you when you work?

 a. Inspiration
 b. Helps me keep up a certain pace.
 c. Prevents me from being distracted.
d. Makes me get into a creative trance.
 e. Other (explain)

 When you work do you prefer to play:

 Loud or soft music?
 High or low notes?
Fast or slow music?
Vocal or instrumental?
 Simple or layered?
Sounds that resemble nature or industrialization??