miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

A list of hate

Phonies, corny things, Heights, Cumbias, Reggaeton, Guys who wear their fuckin soldier uniforms to go to the damned drug store, people trying to get too much physical contact, me sometimes, stupid people, cats, birds, judges on tv shows, telenovelas, pregnant women (gross me out for some reason), pig meat, escupitajos, valentine*s, when friends die, Boring, words like "grand" "preciosos" "awesome", war, homofobia, censura, Og Mandino, Bees, bugs, clocks, car alarms, blood, really tall buildings, planes, period, people making out in public (on bus stops and classrooms, etc), aliens, Bush, racism, accents, black people, people yelling when they should be just talking, being ill, habas, lentejas, garbanzos, my step-father, people staring at me, tight spaces, crowded places, complete darkness, clowns, rap music, my procastinating nature, other people procastinating, lazyness, unemployment, money, not having money, cramps, crap, el chicle en las banquetas, cuando mis vecinos me pegaron los piojos en la primaria, varicela, pecas, albinos, dolls, people reading on my back, when people watch me draw, police, authorities, when people i care for gets hurt, not being able to go out where and when i want to, not being financially independent, stupidity- even on nice people, feeling stupid, not knowing stuff, being a control freak sometimes, my paranoia, pills, weed smell, doctors, all types of medication, poshismos- even when i use them, public transportation, body hair, scams, all this violence in my city, fear, the devil (ha), actors, envy, not being rich and famous (im that shallow hahahaha), shallowness, being sad all time, ltags, aughing so hard that makes me sad, self-conciousness, grammar rules, thiefs, kidnappers, fairy princesses, Disney channel, (most) chick flicks, stepping on crap, cartoon ducks, midgets, dwarfs, small dogs like chihuahuas, ants, maquiladoras, pescadores, el mar, open spaces, la nada, caring too much for brand names, taking care of a pet, codependencia, la gente vulgar, shaving my legs, having to shave them, high heels, braggers, shoes in general- sometimes, telemarketers, talking on the phone, my voice, mala higiene, people with bad breath, sweat, smelly people wearing hats, not dead food, food not prepared how my picky self likes it, eggs, wannabes, when im talking on the phone and someone yells "pass me the soap!" or anything trying to be funny, baches, topes, slow drivers, que me revazzzeeennnn!!!!!, cuando la gente no vuelve a poner algo en su lugars, bdays (mine), roses, la comida cruda, that only Emma reads my blog, sponge bob, people trying to hard to be funny, noisy people, rappers, soap operas, my bad memory, having things "on the tip of my tongue", people trying to complete what im saying, people trying to "read" my expressions- or mi mind, finger*s mistakes, falling down in public,when songs become people and mke me think of them when i listen to my music, going to bed when im not sleepy, that even i want corny stuff and romantic crap sometimes, being ignored,